Thursday, April 21, 2011

O Sacred Head Now Wounded

He was conflicted pondering between conviction
And public opinion within his dominion
Emperor Tiberius handpicked him to govern Judea
Pontius Pilate was stressed as he addressed a potential riot
Injustice brewed though he would not taste it
Until he was faced with the case to break him
The one standing accused was the one that made him
Would he stand brave while the masses hate him?
Or would he save his life by doing so waste it?
Send the True Life to the grave and disgrace him
He was facing the angry crowd misbehavin’
His only option therefore was to cave in
So he flogged him, mocked him, “Hail, King of the Jews!”
Christ’s title abused while his sacred head was bruised
His skin was fused with thorns worn as a crown
Hear the Jews saying “Crucify him! Pass it down!”
Pilate stood and frowned after examination
No fault could be found only discrimination
God’s chosen nation spittin’ accusations
Just imagine the Creator submitting to the creation
“You’re not Caesar’s friend if this man you defend!”
The Jews used those words against Pilate to threaten
He would fold like a flock and hand over the Lamb
And yet the one that would forgive ‘em would be the one that they mock

O Sacred head now wounded weighed down
 Scornfully surrounded with a thorny crown     
You took my place it’s so amazing
I’m not fading cuz your grace sustains me
 You saved me because I was lost but now I’m found

So they took him bearing his cross to the place of the skull
To Golgotha crucified and bearing the sins of us all
Sharing the site between criminals, hearing the jeers and the scoffs
The fear of the Lord was lost as result of the original fall
Pilate put an inscription on the cross as a taunt to the Boss
“Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” as if he were a fraud
The heart of God broke while the people applaud
Yet the most heinous act of depravity would be the one that would save the lost
The gravity of sin carried a high cost
And the only one that could pay it was the one disgraced on a cross
The one’s whose garments were divided and tossed
And cast lots for the his tunic were the soldiers of Rome
Three Mary’s, One John, Three Crosses, One God
One request from Jesus to John for his mom
To take her in has his own
John complied and took her to his home, O…
Sacred head was wounded the hour unwinding
The shackles of sinful men were unbinding
Reminding man of the unending kindness
Of our God, the Light of the World unblinding
And though finding us in rebellion fighting
With futility against the God Almighty
He offered life but they wouldn’t hear it
“it is finished” he bowed his head and gave up his spirit

A tear jumps off my cheek, I can’t speak
I’m choked up by how Jesus, my High Priest was treated
A further look as I read it in other accounts of his death
Always leave me out of breath was he defeated?
When his flesh was ripped and from his neck blood dripped
And his head was gripped with thorns that pricked him
And from his blindside hit, they told him to predict
Who would hit him, he would not submit so they spit on him
They treated my God like criminal – He loved them but they
Hated him so when he was down they kicked him
The abuse was not minimal nor was it the greatest
Pain unlike any man could ever suffer still awaited him

Though before that they degraded him, they baited him to say to them
That he was royalty but the questions he evaded them
He was placed on a tree like a lower case “t”
Arms stretched to the point of hyper-extending
His impending sacrifice was preceded by this
Two long nails driven right through each wrist
And one through both feet to complete this horrific scene
While the guilt of world he bore,
Every sin you and I committed killed our Lord
Only his blood through death could make our dark hearts clean
Do you appreciate his sacrifice by sacrificing your life?
Or are you hanging on to this life too tight?

Crucify Him!

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Could a day get darker than this? 
Even though the sun shone brightly,
could our hearts be harder than this?
It’s like I’m witnessing the scene but should I intervene?
I thought I was stronger than this.

 “Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Pilate paraded my Lord Jesus Christ to the passion,
Irrationally taking action under the pressure of the masses
The Pharisees and the High Priest were pursuing satisfaction
I internalized my reaction, I thought I was stronger than this.

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Pilate took Jesus and flogged him
Gave him a crown of thorns and purple robe just to mock him
“Hail the King of Jews” they spewed as they clocked him
I didn’t try to stop them, I thought I was stronger than this

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Pilate caved in, he gave into their demands
He gave the Son of Man into their depraved hands
After they whipped him, they kicked him, inflicted such wicked tactics,
I watched and thought I was stronger than this

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

They dragged him as if he were a serial killing, drug dealing, child molesting, scum on the earth
Whose worthless birth cursed humanity – is this insanity?
 They used every ounce of profanity to berate him, why do they hate him?
Why don’t I save him?  I thought I was stronger than this

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Bearing his own cross they took him to the place of the skull
This was the worst act of humanity since the first sin in the original fall
From the Garden of Eden to Gethsemane to Golgotha on a cross
Is all hope lost?  I thought I was stronger than this

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Two spikes ripped through the skin of the wrists and one through his feet
To stick him to the tree that was stained with the blood that dripped for you and for me
He struggled to breathe, my mind can’t conceive
How he grieved with the transgressions, the depression as God’s wrath on Jesus was relieved

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

They wanted to kill him and see the blood spilling in agony
Evil infested all that invested in this like meat filled with maggots

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

He was dying, why won’t anybody stop this?
God save him!  He’s thirsty!  I’m so sorry for my sin!

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

His heart rate is slowly stopping, blood, sweat, and tears are dropping

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Abandoned by not only man but by God I’ll never know the depths of his sobbing

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

The cup of wrath was nearly completely empty but not diminished

“Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

“It is finished,” he bowed his head and gave up his spirit

The world seemed chaotic, had God lost all control?
What a psychotic afternoon but then it turned so dark and cold
Like a sacrificial Lamb he died that I might not be damned
Truly, he was the Great I am
I know now that I am not stronger than this
My strength comes from the Spirit of God indwelling within me
The sin that would kill me lost the sting of death
For because of his death I live in his strength