Friday, October 29, 2010

The Only Reason

These are the lyrics to a song I wrote early in ministry and marriage, inspired by the story of the prophet Jonah:

The Only Reason

I ask why?
Every time I try
to not let foolish pride reside inside
of me I fail to rely
on You, my Sovereign King.
Break me like I'm clay so I am used.
I sing of Your grace.  Why do you
still love me, my Sovereign King?

You know where I've been
And You saw what I've done, no matter
You see past my sin
And see me as a son
You are the only reason
that I still stand

My Sovereign King,
I did not grow this plant.
So why do I make great demands?
Only Your grace lets me stand.

You know where I've been
And You saw what I've done, no matter
You see past my sin
And see me as a son
You are the only reason
that I still stand

Take me from the one I see
in the mirror looking back at me.
And make me like the One I see
submitting to death on a tree.
You make, You take, You break me.
You touch my heart and shake me.
You never forsake me, for Your love is infinitely
faithful no matter what I've done.

So thank You, Father thank You
Spirit thank You, Jesus thank You
Messiah thank You, Savior thank You
Redeemer thank You, My God thank You
Thank You

You know where I've been
And You saw what I've done, no matter
You see past my sin
And see me as a son
You are the only reason
that I still stand

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